September Devlog | Week #2 | No. 145

September 14, 2021
January 13, 2022

Some of the awesome things we've been up to in this week's devlog include: Adding the finishing touches to some of our heavy armour, began sculpting some recent 2D concepts, and brought a handful of weapon sound effects to life! As always, join us on Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit for daily updates on Depths of Erendorn – now let’s get into it!

3D Modelling

Adding the finishing touches to our most recent heavy armour sculpt. This new design will soon be implemented into the game, as we begin to bring the set to life. Next up: adding the ponytail and experimenting with hair simulation.


The Golang team have been working on a slew of bug fixes this week, as well as some reworks that have been mulling in the background, waiting for some time to be worked on.

  • TakeDamage has been reworked slightly, to allow for things such as negative resistances, armour penetration of different types to the damage inflicted, negative damage and other weird edge case scenarios we want to be prepared for.
  • A rare bug caused by projectiles being created on a start or end of turn, triggering a phantom hit on their intended targets has been fixed.
  • Lightning damage has been removed, and all previous lightning damages are now part of Nature. Nature itself is now Elemental, instead of Primordial, and the new Primordial damage type Light has been created.
  • Existing abilities have been ported over to match these new damage types.
  • A filter on the ‘add stat’ function in our ability editor has been created, so that you can't give an entity two iterations of the same stat with different values, and you can search for the stat you're looking for.
  • Fixed a rather egregious bug where all our Active Effects had been set to scale off of the incorrect counter, meaning they wouldn't scale at all with any of the caster's stats.

Environment Design

This week our Environment team have been working on the Obsidian Portal and Mysterious Idol set pieces. These two assets will be part of our environments as a whole, along with events that can spawn throughout the world at random.

Mysterious I
dol textured
Mysterious Idol

Rendering continued over the weekend to iron out a few minor fixes for our upcoming trailer. While that work continued, we made mountainous inroads and peaks after a breakthrough with Gaea and UE5 testing. Finally we configured landscape streaming proxies and researched other new UE5 streaming techniques for greater optimisation.


The animation team have been working on adjusting the rig and skinning on our harpy model, preparing the skeletal mesh for implementation to the engine. They also spent more time working on the Bears of Erendorn.

Bear Idle, Walk, Run, Hit Reaction and Death animations

Sound Design

Last week we did a lot of recording, getting ready to make some new attack/hit reaction sfx for higher level enemies. As well as reconsidering a few of the methods for audio implementation. We also updated some of the weapon hits we'd created previously, more weapons will be updated in the coming weeks too.

2-Handed Spear

1-Handed Short Staff

1-Handed Axe

2-Handed Axe

That’s it for this week’s devlog, but have you seen our monthly roundup of August yet?!


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